Tuesday, February 24, 2009

King our Pomeranian , Dogs and Fishing

Our little Pomeranian came to live with us when I was about five years old. We lived in central Pennsylvania and were always going for a drive somewhere, or on a trip to Canada. This dog went everywhere with me. He was very small so it was easy to take him along. He never caused any trouble, and he loved to share my hamburgers and snacks in the back seat. From this practice, he learned to detect wrappers being opened anywhere in the house!

As time passed we covered a lot of miles. Then on one trip to Canada he ran away. We were staying at a place in Ontario that had cabins on the river. We loved to go there. It was a bright sunny day and he wanted to look around. It came time to go home and I felt so bad. We lived a long way from there and I realized I may never see him again. It was a sad trip home.
About six months later, the man that owned those cabins called. He said " I have your little dog. " He had taken a walk and stopped in to visit a neighbor who said, come and see this little dog that I found. When he saw that it was my dog King, he said I know the little girl that this dog belongs to. She would be very happy to have him back. That nice man gave him back.
We had to take that long trip to get him and am sure the food we shared on the way home was extra yummy.

Finally we moved to Canada. To Ontario first, for about five years. Then to British Columbia, and later to the Yukon. This little dog came right along.

Dogs and Fishing:

One time Dad let me take my little Pomeranian fishing. We lived at Good Hope Lake, in northern British Columbia. Very often, after Dad got home from work, we would go out in the boat and fish for a while. The fish would bite one after another and sometimes we would both have a fish on at the same time. It was great fun and time went quickly.
King was a little red dog and weighed about five pounds. Most dogs like a ride in a boat,and everything was going fine until we had a fish on. The line was being wound in, and the fish appeared there in the water. That's all it took and my little dog jumped right in to help! We had to circle around and scoop him out. That's just how he was and there was no changing him! No more fishing just boat rides.

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