Monday, August 31, 2009

The Pit Bull and the Doberman

Our two medium size Terriers, Charlie Brown and Sambo had many adventures together. We lived out in the country and had a few neighbors around. The people that lived across the creek had warned everyone about their chained dogs, a Pit Bull and a Doberman. They would attack animals and people. Meaning, stay away......dangerous dogs!!
One day my husband was outside, when he noticed Charlie Brown and Sambo take off running down our driveway. Looking to see what was happening, he noticed the Pit Bull and the Doberman loose on the road. He watched amazed as Sambo chased the Doberman up the road, and Charlie Brown chased the Pit Bull down the road. The Pit Bull turned into a driveway and hid behind the blackberry bushes. Charlie Brown, feeling proud of himself, turned around and strutted proudly back up the road with his head held high. The Pit Bull peeked out from behind the bushes, and then it was like he tip toed, seeking up on Charlie Brown. He got behind him and let out a growl. Charlie Brown flopped over on his back, and then the Pit Bull turned and walked away. It was almost like he was laughing. Charlie Brown walked up the road toward home, and then up the driveway, with his head down and his tail between his legs. When my husband spoke to him, he just continued dejectedly to a hiding place in the wood shed.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Cat that raised Charlie Brown

We got the girls two Siamese Cats but one of them died before Charlie Brown came. This is the one that would take Charlie Brown under its care.

They loved dogs. Here they are cuddling with a dog we took care of for a few months.
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Monday, August 17, 2009

More of Moe!

Moe loved to be in the kitchen when I was cooking. He would jump up and hit me in the back of the knees all most knocking me down looking for a treat.

Beautiful September day!

Cutie Pie!

Moe enjoyed having his picture taken.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Moe the Dog

My oldest Son bought Moe for me. My husband named him after Moe in the Three Stooges. He was a Yorkie-poo/Poodle mix and a bundle of energy. He really loved my oldest Son and when ever he would come over he would run in circles and do a little dance to express his joy. The grandchildren spent many happy days with Moe. Dress up day with the Grand-kids.
We all loved Moe and felt terrible when he disappeared one Halloween Night.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Donald Plants Pumpikins

Each year we plant a garden one year to our surprise the entire garden was taken over by pumpkins. It turns out our son had gotten two packs of pumpkin seeds at school that he planted with out our knowing. He was very proud of his pumpkins.

Feathers and Don checking out their pumpkin patch.

The large pumpkins made great pies and the small ones cute decorations.

Hey can I have one!
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